Using the Rule of 72


If you're interested in investing your money, it's essential to understand using the Rule of 72. This simple formula can help you estimate the time it will take for your investment to double and the interest rate required to achieve that growth. In this article, we'll explain what the Rule of 72 is, how it works, and how to use it to make informed investment decisions.

Understanding Using the Rule of 72

The Rule of 72 is a quick and straightforward method for calculating the approximate time it will take for an investment to double in value. It assumes a fixed rate of return and is most useful for investments that offer compound interest, such as savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and bonds. Here's how it works:

The Rule of 72 is an intriguing concept that can be used to calculate the number of years it will take for your investment to double in value. By dividing the number 72 by the annual rate of return of your investment, you can unveil the hidden secrets of investment growth. For instance, if your investment is expected to yield a 6% annual return, the Rule of 72 predicts that it will take approximately 12 years (72/6=12) for your investment to double. However, this mystical rule has even more mysterious applications!

You can use the Rule of 72 to determine the interest rate required to double your investment in a given time frame. The hidden secret to this is by dividing 72 by the number of years you want your investment to double. For example, if you desire your investment to double in six years, you'll need an annual interest rate of approximately 12% (72/6=12).

However, while the Rule of 72 is a powerful tool, it's important to remember that it's based on certain assumptions and has limitations. The rule assumes a fixed rate of return, which may not reflect the actual performance of your investment. It also doesn't take into account taxes, inflation, or other factors that can impact investment growth. So, it's crucial to be mindful of these limitations when using the Rule of 72.

Calculation of the Rule of 72

When using the Rule of 72, you need to understand the basic formula and how to apply it to different scenarios. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1.     Ascertaining the rate of return for your investment can be bewildering. This rate of return could take the form of an interest rate for any investment.

2.     It is important information to determine the approximate number of years it will take for investments to double. You must divide the number 72 by the rate of return to obtain years required.

3.     The interest rate required to achieve the desired growth of your investment can also be calculated. One needs only divide the number 72 by the number of years you wish for your investment to double.

Double Your Money

Let's look at some examples to see how the Rule of 72 can be used in practice:

Example 1: Investment Growth Rate

Suppose you have a savings account that earns 3% interest per year. Using the Rule of 72, you can estimate that it will take approximately 24 years (72/3=24) for your investment to double.

Example 2: Time Required to Double an Investment

Suppose you want to double your investment in ten years. Using the Rule of 72, you can estimate that you'll need an annual rate of return of approximately 7.2% (72/10=7.2) to achieve that growth.

Example 3: Interest Rate Required to Double an Investment

Suppose you have $10,000 to invest and want it to double in seven years. Using the Rule of 72, you can estimate that you'll need an annual interest rate of approximately 10.3% (72/7=10.3) to achieve that growth.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As one delves deeper into the Rule of 72, it's crucial to be cognizant of the common pitfalls that can lead to flawed calculations. One such mistake is assuming that the Rule of 72 is a precise and infallible calculation. In reality, the Rule of 72 is simply an estimation and should not be relied upon as the sole determinant of investment growth. Moreover, the Rule of 72 assumes a fixed rate of return, which may not align with the actual performance of your investment. Other factors like taxes, inflation, and fees can have a profound impact on investment growth and should be thoroughly considered when making investment decisions.

Alternatives to the Rule of 72

Intriguingly, there are alternative methods available for estimating investment growth that can supplement the Rule of 72. For instance, the Rule of 115 is a variation of the Rule of 72 that estimates the time required for an investment to triple in value, using the number 115 instead of 72. Moreover, other techniques like discounted cash flow analysis, net present value, and internal rate of return can provide unique insights into investment growth. The selection of which method to use depends on various factors such as the specific investment and the investor's objectives.

Other methods include discounted cash flow analysis, net present value, and internal rate of return. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which one to use depends on the specific investment and the investor's objectives.


So, while using the Rule of 72 is valuable for estimating investment growth, it's essential to recognize its limitations and the availability of alternative methods. By avoiding common pitfalls, investors can gain a comprehensive understanding of investment growth and make informed decisions that align with their objectives.